
Poetry & AI - Event #1

Can you identify poetry written by ai?

For National Poetry Month, Ms. Fennelly and Mr. Bousquet teamed up to host our first-ever Poetry & AI event! Our four participating classes produced some surprising results...

PROCESS: Groups of 2 - 4 students were each given a poetry packet containing excerpts from four (4) poems written by humans, and four (4) poems written by Artificial Intelligence (AI). Each group then attempted to reach a consensus about the authorship of each poem. Finally, groups posted their decisions on the board so the comparative results could be discussed as a class.

Note: In the photos below, papers that are the same color are the same poem...

Analyzing poems

claim: HUman Author

Claim: AI Author

POEMS: (Without giving away which poems were used in this modified Turing Test......) We analyzed four (4) poems from ChatGPT and other AIs, as well as four (4) poems from these distinguished human authors...

RESULTS: Students found it very difficult to distinguish between poetry written by humans versus machines:

This activity was repeated during a subsequent AP Computer Science A class; our advanced placement Java student correctly identified poem authorship only 26 out of 56 times (46% accuracy); they correctly identified human-written poems 14 out of 28 times, and AI-written poems 12 out of 28 times. Of the four classes, none were able to reach a correct consensus on any of the eight poems; in fact, the only consensus reached was a unanimously wrong claim by the AP CSA students that Marcus Wicker's poem was AI-written.

It's worth noting that Alan Turing set a 30% threshold for AI fooling humans, but the AI in this activity fooled students 55% of the time!

Other resources that we looked at...

Want to learn more? Sign up for our new Intro to ML & AI course!